Get the career you want or thrive in the career you have

We'll coach you through every stage of your career journey, from job searching and interviewing to career development and performance.

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  • What we do

    Delivering excellence within the coaching experience

    Individual Coaching

    Our expert coaches will help you make informed career decisions, earn more, negotiate better and perform at your best

    Career Clarity Coaching

    Not sure what your next career move is? Get crystal clear on your goals by working with a professional career coach.

    Interview Coaching

    Sharpen your responses, build your confidence, and maximize your chances of getting hired with an interview coaching session.

    Job Search Coaching

    Accelerate your job search by building a strong resume and creating a focused networking and application strategy.

    Professional Presence Coaching

    Maximize your confidence, delivery and executive presence before your next high-stakes presentation or meeting.

    Corporate Coaching Programs

    Increase your company’s revenue and reduce turnover by investing in coaching for your team

    Start-Up Employee Coaching

    Set your employees up for long-term success. Our coaches will help them ramp up quickly by creating 30-60-90 day plans, maximize time management strategies, and seamlessly integrate into your company culture. Our targeted support accelerates onboarding, boosts early engagement, and maximizes productivity, driving your start-up's success.

    Career Success Coaching

    Boost your team’s engagement, reduce turnover, and improve productivity. We focus on career development planning, day-to-day time management and problem-solving. Our tailored mentorship programs foster engagement and guide you towards sustained career success.

    Sales Mindset & Performance Coaching

    Improve your company’s revenue with coaching for your sales team. Our coaches focus on sales ability, mindset, mock cold calling, strategies for effective outreach, and productivity and time management.

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  • Get the best insider tips and expert advice.

    Take a look at our blog.

      How to Choose Between Two Job Offers

      Diving deep into the importance of understanding total compensation and knowing what your goals and values are when making a decision between two job opportunities. Shimriya Richard, Consultant at JVG Strategies, shares her personal career story of when she faced two offers as a new college graduate.

      Shimriya Richard


      How to Create a 30-60-90 Day Plan for Your New Job

      A 30 60 90 day plan will help you set yourself up for success in your new job. This article share guidelines on creating your own 30 60 90 day plan and includes a link to a 30 60 90 day plan template.

      JVG Strategies


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